Don’t let your financial status hold you back from pursuing your dreams. Enroll in the university of your choice in India or abroad without worrying about the finances. Avail a loan to cover all your expenses like admission fees, accommodations, educational equipment, travel expenditures, lab apparatus, books, computer & devices, and so on.
Rates & Charges
Eligibility Criteria
Documents Required
- Faster loan approval
- Get a maximum of Rs.75 lacs for all expenses
- Repayment period up to 10 years after the duration of the course + 6 months with a condition to recover monthly interest & other charges debited to the loan account.
- Direct disbursement to Institute/College as per requirement
Rates & Charges
- Margin: 10%
- Rate of Interest: 9.50%
- Upfront Processing fee: @ 30% + GST on one-time basis, on total sanctioned amount.
- Penal interest: 2% to be charged for the period of default in repayment
- Maximum repayment period : 10 years.
- Moratorium Period : Education Period + 6 Months with a condition to recover monthly interest & other charges debited to the loan account.
Eligibility Criteria
- Age 18 +
- The applicant must be A Class Member of the bank.
- For Higher Education in India & Abroad.
Graduation/Diploma/Degree & Other courses etc.
Job-oriented Prof./Technical/PG courses/Post graduation:- MCA, MBA, MS, etc.
- The Student should be Indian and have secured admission by Entrance test/Merit bases selection.
Documents Required
- Proof of identity
- Proof of address
- Proof of income (Of the last 3 years)
- KYC of Applicant & Guarantor(s)